WFH Desk’s 5 Favorite Office Plants and How to Keep Them Thriving: A Beginner’s Guide

Offices can be drab and uninspiring places, but they don’t have to be. Adding plants can make a big difference in creating a more welcoming and healthy environment. In addition to enhancing the visual appeal, studies have shown that having plants in the workplace can improve air quality, reduce stress and even boost productivity!
However, not all plants are suitable for office conditions, and caring for them properly over weekends or when work life gets busy can be a challenge. So, if you can’t always be around to be the star plant parent of the office, but you still want plants, what do you do?
Well, there's still hope yet! There are plants out there that make caring for them really easy, making them ideal office companions. In fact, some of them even thrive on neglect! In this article, we will discuss five of our favorite office plants at WFH Desks, as well as how to care for them - the beginner's way.
1. Monstera Plant (Monstera deliciosa)
The Monstera plant, scientifically known as Monstera deliciosa, is a trendy and visually striking houseplant. They feature large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with unique natural holes and splits, which contribute to its charm.
While Monstera plants can tolerate low-light conditions, they typically thrive in bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, but excessive exposure can lead to leaf burn. When it comes to their watering needs, it's important not to overwater them, and to allow the top inch of soil dry out between waterings. Overwatering can actually cause root rot, so a happy medium is usually once every week in warmer months, and once every two weeks in colder months.
Monstera plants come from rainforest habitats, meaning they prefer temperatures between 64-80°F alongside high humidity levels. Regular misting or placing your plant near a humidifier can help mimic this, although this isn't a must.
Monstera plants generally grow to match the size of their pot or container, so if you desire a larger Monstera, choose a spacious pot, or start with a smaller one and gradually increase the pot size as the plant grows. A large pot will allow the plant's roots to expand and support its growth. Larger Plant Stands or platforms are popular when accommodating the heavy weight and size of a bigger Monstera.
Pictured below: Second from the right

2. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
The ZZ plant is another low-maintenance plant that is perfect for office environments. It has glossy, dark green leaves that can survive in low light, and even in areas with no natural light at all. It's also very drought-tolerant, making it ideal for anyone who finds it difficult to remember to water their plants regularly.
To care for a ZZ plant, water it only when the soil is dry, and avoid overwatering as once again, this can cause root rot. ZZ plants prefer temperatures between 64-80°F and can grow in almost any lighting conditions, making them a great choice for offices with varying light levels.
The growing style, size and height of these plants mean they fit best with our individual, corner or tiered plant stands.
Pictured below: Black pot at the back

3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
The Snake plant is a popular office plant because it is both attractive and easy to care for. It has long, upright leaves with striking green and yellow stripes that add to any workspace. They are also known for their great air-purifying abilities, making them a great choice for offices that may have poor ventilation or pollutants in the air.
To care for them, make sure they get plenty of indirect sunlight, and water them only when the soil is completely dry. Snake plants are highly tolerant of different temperatures, but thrive in temperatures ranging from 53-86°F.
The upright growing nature of the Snake Plant makes them ideal for the top tier of any plant stand, as well as individual ones.
Pictured below: Bottom tier

4. Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
The Pothos plant, also known as the Chinese Money plant, is adored for its attractive, heart-shaped leaves and low-maintenance needs. These leaves grow in an overflowing, waterfall-like nature, making them great hanging plants. They can grow in both low and bright light conditions, meaning that they adapt to different office settings easily. Once again, this is another plant species that’s incredible at filtering out pollutants in the air.
To care for a Pothos plant, make sure that it gets enough indirect sunlight, and water it only when the soil is dry. Keep in mind that they can grow in a wide range of temperatures, but they do best in temperatures between 59-86°F.
The waterfall-like growing style makes them the perfect addition to our Hanging Plant Stands and Chandeliers, as well as on the top tier of our taller Plant Stands.
Pictured below: Second from the right

5. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
The Peace Lily is another beautiful, low-maintenance office plant. It has dark green leaves and elegant white flowers that can add a touch of luxury to any workspace. Interestingly, NASA placed the Peace Lily in the top ten plants best at air-purifying pollutants from the air, along with the before mentioned Snake Plant and Money Plant. Naturally, this makes the Peace Lily another ideal plant for buildings with little airflow, or a lot of indoor pollution.
To care for a Peace Lily, make sure it has free-draining soil and gets a moderate amount of indirect sunlight. You’ll want to keep the soil moist, but not soaked. Although versatile plants, Peace Lilies prefer temperatures between 64-82°F.
You can showcase your Peace Lilies on their own, or you can add them to your Chandelier, Tiered, Hanging, or Corner Plant Stands.
Pictured below: Bottom tier

Whichever plant you choose, indoor plants can add value to your office by bringing the beauty and serenity of the great outdoors, indoors. By selecting the right plants for your office, and providing them with the right care and maintenance, you can create a healthy and vibrant environment for you, your family and your colleagues. Happy indoor gardening!

We hope this article has given you some helpful insight into how to create a greener workspace. If you have any questions about any of our products, or simply want to chat to us about anything WFH, please don't hesitate to reach us through the chat function on our website, or email our friendly customer service team.